Usage of /questions/unanswered GET


Returns questions the site considers to be unanswered.

Note that just because a question has an answer, that does not mean it is considered answered. While the rules are subject to change, at this time a question must have at least one upvoted answer to be considered answered.

To constrain questions returned to those with a set of tags, use the tagged parameter with a semi-colon delimited list of tags. This is an and contraint, passing tagged=c;java will return only those questions with both tags. As such, passing more than 5 tags will always return zero results.

Compare with /questions/no-answers.

This method corresponds roughly with the unanswered tab.

The sorts accepted by this method operate on the following fields of the question object:

  • activitylast_activity_date
  • creationcreation_date
  • votesscore
activity is the default sort.

It is possible to create moderately complex queries using sort, min, max, fromdate, and todate.

This method returns a list of questions.

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